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快来收藏!最全Persuasive Writing话题!

2022-08-01 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

Persuasive essay topics for kids

Is it better to be the only child or have other siblings

Who is the best friend

Do computer games make children aggressive?

Should parents limit their TV watching time?

Are vegetables that healthy?

The best TV show of all times

The most boring job in the world

The best superpower is reading other people thoughts

Parents should give kids as much freedom as they want

Why all children should have a pet

Persuasive essay topics for Middle School

Sport should be mandatory in schools

The best vacation destination

How media influences younger generation

Studying in summer is important

Parents supporting corporal punishment should be punished by law

Internet filters should be present in every school

Students should not be allowed to use smartphones in education establishments

The quality of education in class and homeschooling are equal

Why it harmful to have studies all year round

School canteens should serve only healthy food

Persuasive writing topics for High School

The amount of homework at schools should be reduced

Listening to classical music helps improve mental activity

Is education important today?

AI does not make people smarter

Capital punishment is another crime. It should be prohibited

High School students should be given the right to vote

Difficulties make people stronger

Instagram influencers negatively influence teenagers

Social media should be blocked in schools

Summer homework robs students of good rest

Persuasive writing topics for College

Students should be able to study only those subjects they need in High School and College

Should education be free for everyone?

Standardized tests cannot objectively evaluate student’s knowledge

How to reduce cases of cheating in educational establishments

Is PE as important as Math and English classes?

College classes in College should be shorter

Summer homework is ineffective. It should be cancelled

People should pay for education, otherwise they don’t value it

College lectures should be shortened

Remote vs traditional schooling

Good persuasive writing topics 2020

Who is the most effective US president by 2021

Coronavirus is a hoax!..or not

The real reason of BlackLives matter movement

COVID-19 is manmade

The global lockdown has led to students becoming less smart

2020 is the first step in the process of the whole world transferring from real world to online

2020 was a successful year only for those who worked hard instead of moaning

Why young people are craving for Bali

Buddhism might become the only world religion in few years

Cancel culture is the same as bullying

Easy persuasive writing topics

Parents should explain the dangers of substances abuse to their children at young age

Racial bias should be severely punished by law

Women and men should have equal salaries and career opportunities

Space exploration will help solve the problem with overpopulation one day

Is there friendship between men and women

School uniforms and forbiddance of mobile phones will help avoid cases of bullying

Students initiatives should receive more support from colleges

Students should pass High School entrance tests

Playing with Barbie dolls affects girls thinking

Kids should not read some fairy tales as they present unrealistic stories the effect of which is felt in adult life

Interesting topics for persuasive writing

Does a diploma guarantee a better job?

Animal testing should be prohibited

Modern commercials negatively influence young women today

Driving tests should be regular and mandatory for people over 65 years

Bullies should be expelled from the educational establishments

Teenagers should be allowed to vote

Beauty contests are among common causes of stress and depression among young girls

Eating disorders are often caused by idealized body images in commercials and Instagram

Why girls choose bad guys

New technologies our not safe for our health

Controversial persuasive writing topics

Effectiveness of same-sex schools in 2021

Online education equips students with much worse knowledge than in-class studies

Financial and sexual education should be compulsory classes at school

To what extent should parents be involved in their child’s education

Should teenagers be treated as adults?

Is COVID-19 a hoax?

Is euthanasia a crime?

Women and men should have equal rights and salaries at the workplace

The race, gender, or ethnicity should not be a hindrance in career

Is abortion a homicide or a women’s right?

Persuasive writing topics on education

Should junk food like soda and chocolates be sold in school cafeteria

Should students wear a uniform?

Online education cannot replace traditional classes

Educational establishments should be totally bias-free

Teachers should pass professional tests as often as students go through standardized tests

Homework does not bring any benefits. It should be canceled

It students should wear a uniform, then all the teachers also should

Should students take a gap year after High School?

Is physical education important/

Does homework help improve the quality of knowledge?

Persuasive writing topics on arts

Art helps people live through tough times

Can artistic talent be developed or it is in borne

Andy Warhol is the founding father of pop art

Art is a way to express emotions people cannot express with words

Popular musicians dictate their fans lifestyles

Art is important in developing a mature personality

Horror movies negatively affect mental health

Sad and depressive tracks make some teenagers commit suicide

Is the art of Postmodernism really an art

Art should be paid much more attention in schools

Social media persuasive topics

Distorted reality portrayed in social networks makes people feel miserable

Students should use social media for communication with students

Does social media bring more good than harm?

Instagram helps some people to gain popularity, self-confidence and money, while other only suffer from it

Social media makes people lonelier instead of connecting them

Dating websites are a real helper in the realities of the 21st century

Social networks is among the most sources of income today

Why people crave for likes and followers on Instagram and TikTok

Bloggers should show their real life on Instagram, not fake

Instagram is a great opportunity for teenagers to earn their first money

Food and eating habits persuasive writing topics

GMO food is not that dangerous as they say

Is vegetarianism really that healthy Health and medicine

If cow milk is that harmful why did our grandparents have no problems with it?

Fastfood should be blamed for increased obesity rates in the US

Distorted body image is among main sources of eating disorders among teenagers

None of the diets is healthy

Breakfast is the main meal of the day

Meat eaters vs vegetarians

Food provide to the poor should be nourishing and of high quality

Late night meals can greatly worsen your health

Persuasive essay topics on environment

Wearing masks in 2020 pollutes the ocean with that plastic

Vegetarianism contributes to reducing greenhouse effect

Governments should pass more effective laws for environment protections

Green businesses are the future of our planet

Recycling should become a way of life for everyone

Overpopulation is the main cause of increased pollution in cities

People should use either hybrid cars or public transport

Non-renewable sources of energy should be forbidden

One country cannot slow down global warming. Every country should make small steps

Penalties for environmental pollution should become incredibly high. Only extreme measures will work today.

Persuasive topics on sports

Sport is healthy not only for the body but also for the mental activity

Professional sportsmen receive traumas that affect their mental health

Sportsmen should not receive scholarships. It is not fair

Animal sports are unethical and should be forbidden

Physical activity helps stay healthy longer

The danger of taking energy drinks for professional sportsmen

Professional sportsmen in colleges should be paid

Common stereotypes about sportsmen’ mental skills are not true

Sportsmen taking special supplements might get serious health issues in few years

Chess is not a sport

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