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Cell line platform_cell line development platforms

2023-01-31 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

ICE team now has 250+ cell lines ready-to-use for cell-panel based viability screening, and we are keep expanding cell bank dramatically this year where we’ll procure another 500+ wild type cell lines, more cell panel based assays will come soon like:

1, Phenotype screening in our automatic screening center with high throughput facilities

2, Find sensitive cell lines for CDX model

3, Evaluate biomarker expression or regulation across cell lines

4, Check protein expression and degradation in different cell types

5, Profile compound cytotoxicity in various types of cell lines

We are hoping to do more exploratory work with you in the near future!

Welcome any further communication or plan on ICE’s cell panel platform.

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